Consumable For Distilleries
1. Molasses Preservative Enzyme
Bacterial Contamination Of Molasses
Bacterial contamination is known to be a major cause of reduction in ethanol yield during ethanol production from molasses because of sugar consumption by bacteria. Such bacteria also produce a by-product which inhibits yeast. Lactobacillus and Acetobacter. May be the most harmful of the bacteria that contaminate molasses because of their rapid growth abilities Lactobacillus species are tolerant to high temperature and low pH, it is especially difficult to prevent Lactobacillus from growing.
Frequent addition of enzymes helps to maintain the TRS under long term storage by playing their major part in improving the reducibility of the molasses
2. Alcohol Boosting Enzyme Consortium
ALCOL - EZ a proprietary blend having excellent biocatalytical antimicrobial properties along with essential bionutrients. Ingredients used for formulation are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS), which boost alcohol yield by degradation of complex carbohydrates into fermentable sugars, essential to the efficient and economical production of ethanol in molasses fermentation plants.
Increases alcohol percentage by a minimum of 0.3 – 0.5%
Reduces microbial contamination during molasses fermentation
Reduces the volatile acid formation
Broad temperature range for efficient work
Is 100% eco-friendly in nature
Stable to provide for easy handling and efficient result.
3. Antimicrobial For Molasses
Bacterial Contamination Of Molasses
Bacterial contamination is known to be a major cause of reduction in ethanol yield during ethanol production from molasses because of sugar consumption by bacteria. Such bacteria also produce a by-product which inhibits yeast. Lactobacillus and Acetobacter. May be the most harmful of the bacteria that contaminate molasses because of their rapid growth abilities Lactobacillus species are tolerant to high temperature and low pH, it is especially difficult to prevent Lactobacillus from growing.
Frequent anti bacterial addition help s to check the growth of contaminating microbes while enzymes helps to maintain the TRS under long term storage
4. Antifoam
Aishchem SD (Defoamer)
Aishchem SD is a multipurpose specialty compound is a water dilutable antifoam. This product has
Antifoaming& defoaming properties and is used preferably to control foams in a wide variety of aqueous
systems in Sugar, Paper, Distillery & effluent treatment process.
●Superior stability at high temperature
●Highly efficient in alkaline systems
●Chemically inert and non-toxic
●Freely soluble in water.
5. Fermentation Yeast
Yeasts areeukaryotic, single-celledmicroorganism classified as members of the fungus kingdom.Saccharomyces cerevisiae The yeast species converts carbohydrates to carbon dioxide and alcohols in a process known as fermentation. This species is also known as Distillery yeast
Aishwaryaa suppliers high quality Saccharomyces cerevisiae with high alcohol output to be used in molasses distilleries.