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The purpose of syrup clarification is to remove turbidity and suspended solids from syrup. Removal of turbidity from syrup has been shown to decrease colour in the final Sugar, because suspended solids, when heated in evaporates leads to a colour increase. Crystals from turbidity free syrup have a sparkling appearance that enhances their whiteness.

Turbidity Removal - 75 – 80 %

Colour removal-8-12 %


Phosphotation clarification removes colour, turbidity, suspended solids and insoluble material from refinery melter liquor. Phosphoric acid and lime are dosed to produce a cationic precipitate of calcium phosphate. This absorbs anionic, non sucrose materials including colour, turbidity and suspended solids. A cationic colour precipitant can be dosed to increase colour removal to 60%. Suspended solids and turbidity removal are not less than 90%

Filtrate coming from vacuum filter is very low in purity, rich in gums and non-sugars. This filtrate is directed towards the mixed juice, and it will have adverse effect in processing. It will increase the clear juice turbidity and reduce the juice clarity. We have developed the systems to clarify the filtrate in separate stream suitable to produce clear filtrate equivalent to clear juice
 The scum de-sweetening process recovers sucrose from phoshotation scum by three consecutive stages of clarification. The recovered sucrose is delivered as sweet-water to the refinery melter and the de-sweetened scum is disposed to fields.

Calcium phosphate scum from the refinery clarification process is collected in a buffer tank from where it is pumped to a scum mixing tank. There it is diluted with sweet-water from the 2nd stage clarifier. The diluted scum flows into the 1st stage clarifier where it is aerated and treated with flocculant. The aeration and flocculant coagulate the scum and cause it to rise to the surface of sweet-water in the first stage clarifier. Scum is removed from the clarifier surface by a rotating scraper while sweet-water from the 1st stage clarifier is decanted and pumped to the melter.

 The Deep Bed Filter removes suspended solids from clarified liquor by passing it through a mixed bed of specifically selected media. As the liquor by passing through the media, the suspended solids become trapped. The clear filtered liquor or filtrate flowing from the filter is then ready for further treatment or feed to the crystallisation station. Periodically the trapped solids must be flushed out of the media to clean the bed and regenerate the filter. The time between regeneration cycles depends on the particle size and concentration of the suspended solids in the feed liquor but results show typically filter cycles to be around 5 hours.

 They have now developed a solution to recover the rinse water coming out from Ion Exchange columns during the regeneration cycle. This quantity of rinse water is quite high. This process will save large quantity of water which can be reused and recycled in addition to giving additional recovery of Brine solution.

Invert Sugar Process
 Invert Sugar contains fructose and glucose in roughly equal proportions. The Invert sugar is greater in 

demand than pure glucose as food and drink sweeteners, because fructose is sweeter than glucose. Main  consumers of Invert Sugar are the baking, beverages, canning, confectionery and dairy industries. In  addition, high fructose syrup is used in many other processed foods like jams and jellies. However, it is  being used only in biscuits and soft drinks. A manufacturer of IS expecting to supply it in next couple of  years to the confectionery, fruit canning, processed foods and dairy products industries also. 

The present invention has a sweetness similar to sugar and has a variety of advantage over powdered 

sugarsin the process of manufacturing beverages and confectionery in a liquid state, and has stable 

 Brown Sugar Process

Brown sugar is a value-added specialty product that wide popularity in North America. The name is

derived from the texture or mouth feels of the product whichshould be smooth and velvety as opposed to the hard, gritty feel of granulated sugar.

This texture is the result of a very fine crystalline structure coated I highly flavored syru​

Brown sugar is made by boiling fine crystals from various purified and relatively low purity syrups in vacuum pan. The mass of crystals, ranging from 180 to 240 microns, is covered with the layer of,colored, molasses flavored syrup.The value of brown sugar is unique flavor and colour.

These characteristics of brown sugar is low in total color, free of the greenish casts imparted by polyphenols of iron, relatively low in purity, low in ash, and high in invert sugar.Brown sugar also called as soft sugar.Brown sugars are classified according to series of arbitrary trade colour stranded numbered from 1 to 16.Themostopopular brown sugars are No.9, 10&13​

 Icing Sugar
 Although most often produced in a factory, powdered sugar can also be made by processing ordinary hand in a mortar and pestle. Powdered sugar is utilized in industrial food production when a quick-dissolving sugar is required.

In the process of manufacture of icing sugar the definite step employed consists in passing sugar through a pulverizing mill the resultant pulverulent being what is known as icing sugar, which is discharged from the mill into a bin from which it is packed or bagged.

During the treatment in the mill, heat caused by friction is generated in the sugar, which in this condition loses its natural state, and when packed or bagged,.a immediate deleterious action  commences causing the particles to cling together in rock formation, and the sugar thus loses its utility, it being a definite fact that once the sugar reaches this condition it is not possible to bring it back to its natural useful state.