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Syrup Colour Precipitant


AISHCHEM - CPS color precipitants, developed specifically for use in sugar mills, represent an extremely simple way of removing color from sugar syrups without incurring significant cost. In addition, AISHCHEM -CPS precipitants have proven to be very effective where high ash content is present. The performance of most decolorants is hindered by a high ash level; however AISHCHEM - CPS precipitants produce excellent results regardless of ash content.

AISHCHEM - CPS precipitants are non-toxic aqueous polymers with cationic properties. AISHCHEM - CPS precipitants react with negatively charged color bodies, neutralizing their charges and thereby causing precipitation. The precipitated color is subsequently removed during syrup clarification. AISHCHEM - CPS precipitants can remove 8-12% of the color from clarified syrup, which is reflected in the final color of the sugar. 


  • AISHCHEM - CPS precipitants give a 8-12% decolorization when treated on the clarified Syrup.
  • AISHCHEM - CPS precipitants are liquid products that are easy and convenient to handle..
  • AISHCHEM - CPS precipitants can be used when the factory must produce a higher quality sugar for a particular client.
  • AISHCHEM - CPS precipitants can be used in conjunction with AISHCHEM FLS for Blanco Direct sugar producĀ­tion to further reduce sugar color. Upto 8-12 % reduction is attainable.
  • AISHCHEM - CPS precipitants can be used during high color periods (such as during heavy rain) to ensure the continued production of good quality sugar, us this specifications.